Yokogawa CENTUM VP DCS is the most popular DCS in the industrial automation market, especially in the chemical and petrochemical industries.
Having knowledge about Yokogawa CENTUM VP DCS gives you more advantages in your career growth no matter if you are a professional or fresher in the industrial automation field.
Yokogawa released its CENTUM distributed control system (DCS) in 1975, a world first. CENTUM VP is the ninth generation in the CENTUM series. And recently Yokogawa Centum VP R6.10 version was released.

The architecture of Centum VP DCS

Why is Centum VP popular?
There are multiple reasons behind the popularity of CENTUM VP and it is now covering and capturing the market in the Chemical and Petrochemical industry.
I heard a lot of news on many refineries are now upgrading their old DCS system to Yokogawa CENTUM VP DCS.
The main three resources are simplicity, performance, and reliability, CENTUM VP DCS secured a staggering 99.99999% availability. Because of availability and reliability, most of the critical process plants are now shifting towards CENTUM VP.
Key Reasons
- Simplicity
- Reliability
- Cost-effectiveness
- Performance
- Technological advancement
- Customer Support
- Upgradability
- Full fill worldwide standards
- Complete solution
- Security
CENTUM VP supports a wide variety of communication interfaces and digital field networks such as FOUNDATION™ Fieldbus, PROFIBUS-DP, Modbus RTU, Modbus CP/IP, and Device Net.
Having a basic idea about CENTUM VP DCS will give you a huge advantage in your career growth especially if you are fresher.
Yokogawa also provides a PRO-SAFE-RS Safety instrument system that is seamlessly integrated with CENTUM VP.
I found some resources related to CENTUM VP DCS that might be helpful to learn about it.
Details on FCS (Field Control Station)
YouTube Channel
Website for Learning Yokogawa CENTUM VP DCS
>> RealPars (

Website Link
>> Instrumentation tools (

Website Link
>> Yokogawa Website (

Website Link
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