HomeAutomationIndustrial Robot | Top Manufacturers of Industrial Robot

Industrial Robot | Top Manufacturers of Industrial Robot

Introduction: –

The industrial robot is now becoming the replacement for Humans. By implementing robots in plant facilities companies can now achieve better accuracy and quality of products by minimizing human interaction. In this post, I will give you information on Industrial Robots | Top manufacturers of industrial Robots.

The concept of industry 4.0 is reducing human interaction in plants and by implementing robots companies can archive less downtime with increasing production speed with minimal errors.

Some companies provide Industrial robotic solutions for plants as per the requirement.

By using industrial robots companies can achieve high accuracy because of less Human error in plant facilities and because of technological advancement robots can now easily operate remotely.

According to a study, the Robotics industry now booming by an increment of 30% every year since 2013.

Top manufacturers of industrial Robots: –

NoTop system integrator companies
11ON Robot
12Boston Dynamic
Top manufacturers of industrial Robots.



Company Overview: –

With almost 60 years of experience in the development of computer numerical control equipment, more than 27,5 million products installed worldwide, and more than 8000 employees, FANUC is one of the leading global manufacturers of factory automation. Whether it is industrial robots, CNC systems, wire cut EDM, injection Moulding machines

Product details: –

With more than 100 models, FANUC offers the widest range of industrial robots in the world. Covering a diverse range of applications and industries

Number of Robots installed worldwide: – 680,000

Payload Range: -2300kg

2. ABB


Company Overview: –

ABB Robotics is a pioneer in robotics, machine automation, and digital services, providing innovative solutions for a diverse range of industries, from automotive to electronics to logistics.

As one of the world’s leading robotics and machine automation suppliers, ABB Robotics employs more than 11,000 people in 53 countries.

Product details: –

With more than 45 models, ABB offers the widest range of industrial robots. It covers a diverse range of applications and industries.

Number of Robots installed worldwide: – 500,000

Payload Range: -Up to 800kg



Company Overview: –

Yaskawa Motoman is a leading industrial robotics company in the Americas. Yaskawa provides automation products and solutions for virtually every industry and robotic application; including arc welding, assembly, coating, dispensing, material handling, material cutting, material removal, packaging, palletizing, and spot welding.

Product details: –

With more than 150 models, ABB offers the widest range of industrial robots. It covers a diverse range of applications and industries.

Number of Robots installed worldwide: – 500,000

Payload Range: -Up to 500kg



Company Overview: –

KUKA is a global automation corporation with sales of around 2.6 billion euros and roughly 14,000 employees. As one of the world’s leading suppliers of intelligent automation solutions.

Product details: –

With more than 26 models, KUKA offers a range of industrial robots. It covers a diverse range of applications and industries.

Number of Robots installed worldwide: -100,000

Payload Range: -Up to 1300kg

Free software for robotics simulation: –

1. Cyberbotics

Features: –

  • Open-source software
  • Multiple platforms support (Windows, Mac, Linux)
  • Free of cost
  • Multiple programming languages support

2. RoKiSim

Features: –

  • Open-source
  • Cross-Platform Support (Windows, Mac, Linux)
  • Multiple Language support (English, French, German, Spanish, and Catalan).
  • Multiple vendors support
  • Support six-axis robots

3. Drag and Bot

Features: –

  • 3D web environment
  • Platform independent
  • Free of cost
  • Free version Run on cloud servers

EndNote: –

I hope you like this post and find something interesting knowledge. The industrial robotic market is very large and it’s growing rapidly.

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I will share some exclusive content for our Patreon members. If you find this post interesting also check out my previous post on top system integrators in the world.

KISHAN MENDAPARAhttps://worldofinstrumentation.com
Instrumentation and Control Engineer


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