In this article, I will show you how you can download free sizing software and a free reference handbook on Safety valves.
As you know sizing of Pressure Relief Valves is very important and for this, you must have sizing software to do so. In this article, I will share with you how you can download free sizing software.
As an instrument design engineer having knowledge of Pressure Relief Valves sizing gives you an advantage in your career. And I also share one of the ultimate handbooks for Safety valves.
As I said in my previous article Safety valve is the last line of defense that protects the system in the industry due to over-pressurization
You can also read my whole article on what are the standards that are used for PSV Selection, Sizing, Procurement, and Installation.
VALVESTAR is a Free Sizing software from LESER. LASER is one of the leading brands in safety valves with a legacy of 200 Years.
More than 5000 users are already using either VALVESTAR® or VALVESTAR®-Web.
With more than 1,050 employees and 130,000 safety valves produced per year, LESER is the largest manufacturer of safety valves in Europe and one of the leading companies in its industry worldwide.

- Sizing of safety valves in accordance with the leading global standards and codes API 520, ASME Sec. VIII Div. 1, ISO 4126-7, AD 2000-Merkblatt A2
- two-phase flow calculation in accordance with API 520 Appendix C and fire case according to API 521
- Calculates of inlet pressure loss, back pressure, reaction forces, and noise level
- Various types of documents are selectable (i.e. project reports, single-page reports, and ISA data sheets)
- Customizable report layouts (customer logo, address, etc.)
- Exportable in different data formats (i.e. XLS, HTML, PDF, etc.)
- Integrated parts lists and sectional drawings of all LESER safety valves
- The user-friendly wizard function leads you to step by step through the sizing process
- Microsoft.Net architecture offers the most modern graphical user interface for simple operation and better performance
- User-specific profile set-up with pre-selectable units of measure, calculation methods, and more
- 15 selectable languages
You can download VALVSTAR software by LESER by clicking below download button.
for learning this software, you can download a user guide for step-by-step information about the software.
Download the user guide by clicking the download button.
And recently, I also found this interesting free Engineering book by LESER on PSV

I hope these resources and Knowledge will become helpful to you in the future. And I continue to make this type of resource and knowledge-sharing posts on my website.
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If you like this article, you can also like my previous article on Standards for Pressure-Reliving Devices.
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