Multiphase Flow Meter is used in the Oil and Gas industry to measure the fluid flow of each phase (Oil, Gas, and Water).
There are Only selected vendors are available in the word and in terms of price Multiphase flow meter very costly equipment at the current rate its cost starts from 150K$- 300K$.
Multiphase flow measuring is very difficult and because of the price and technology angle, there are only a few manufacturers in the world.
Multiphase flow measuring technologies are categorized into these two parts 1. Radioactive and Non-Radioactive ☢
But when we look into the overall general case by using any technology the maximum achievable Accuracy is 5% in each phase.
List of Top Vendors of Multiphase Flow Meters in the World: –
No | Company Name |
2 | AGAR |
3 | HAIMO |
4 | SLB |
6 | KROHNE |

About Company: –
When we are talking about a multiphase flow meter Roxar will be the top of the priority list. Because it is the most famous brand for multiphase flow metering and gives the most accurate results.
MPFM from Roxar is working on the radioactivity principle for an accurate multiphase flow meter.

Website Link: –

About Company: –
Agar Corporation is onther well-known brand in multiphase flow metering solutions and they will comply with all the necessary requirements of multiphase flow meters.
MPFM from Agar Corporation is working on the non-radioactivity principle for an accurate multiphase flow meter.

Website Link: –

About Company: –
If you are looking for a competitive price offer for the Multiphase flow meter then the HAIMO is a trustable brand.
MPFM from HAIMO is working on the radioactivity principle for an accurate multiphase flow meter.

Website Link: –
4. SLB

About Company: –
The Vx Spectra™ surface multiphase flowmeter (MPFM) is our flagship SLB MPFM based on rugged Vx multiphase well-testing technology.

Website Link: –

About Company: –
ForeSite Flow is a multiphase flowmeter from Weatherford company that provides accurate flow measurements.
MPFM from WEATHERFORD non-radioactive type

Website Link: –

About Company: –
Magnetic resonance multiphase flowmeter for simultaneous measurement of oil, gas, and water in the upstream oil and gas industry
It is a Non-radioactive flow measurement technology and uses magnetic resonance for flow measurement.

Website Link: –
And if you want to know more technological information about Multiphase flow meters then you can download this free ebook on MPFM
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